Friday, July 12, 2013

Guatemala Day Two

Before I begin day two, I need to apologize for not posting!  I’ve been trying to process all the things I saw during my trip and finally feel ready to continue.  Thank you all for your patience and graciousness!!

Day two:

Right after breakfast and devotions, we walked down the road to the local school to teach English.  In Guatemala, the little kids go to school in the morning and the older ones go to school in the afternoon, so it was mostly younger kids we’d be teaching that morning.  Although, in Guatemala, it seems that kids can be 15 years old and in the third grade, so we could have a wide variance in the ages we’d be teaching.  Anyway, we split up into groups and went into each classroom to teach some English.  I got to grab the children with special needs and teach them outside of the classrooms on the floor.  I had them draw pictures and taught them some colors in English.  They were too cute!  After I finished with them I hung around and learned some Spanish while I waited for everyone else to get done.



We came back to VOH and worked on our various projects and then had lunch.

After lunch we loaded up graham crackers, water, and Wordless Bible bracelets and headed to the local soccer field to give a sort of VBS for the kids.  I led three VBS songs in Spanish with the hand motions and everything!  I’m sure they were all just too busy watching the crazy white girl flailing her arms to some butchered Spanish lyrics to participate, but that’s OK, I still had fun:).  I then helped hold up some pictures while my friend, Ashley, gave the Prodigal Son story in Spanish.  Then we told the Wordless Bible bracelet story and gave them out, along with some crackers and water.



After our “presentation” we got to play with all of the kids.  I grabbed the colorful parachute and went to work playing various games with the giggling little Guatemalans.  I would talk to them and they would look at their friends, surpress a giggle and politely say, “Your Spanish is not good!”  Oh well, at least I got my point across:). 



While playing I spotted a little girl next to the road all by herself.  I went over to talk to her and found out her name was Maria.  I asked why she was all alone and she said that she didn’t have any friends.  I then proceeded to tell her that I would be her friend and she immediately gave me the biggest bear hug ever!  I had to literally bribe her with taking a picture with me to get her to let go.  She took my hand and skipped all the way to the camera where we took this picture:


After that she pretty much just dragged me by the hand and had me hold her bubbles while she played with the other kids:).  Before we left she gave me another hug and said thank you.  I’ll never forget sweet Maria.

On the way home from the VBS we walked by Rosa’s house.  I really wasn’t prepared for what I saw.  A whole family just huddled in the middle of a fenced in field with a shack.  The sound of the baby’s cry is what made me leave their house shaken and disturbed. This little baby was filthy.  It wailed out from pangs of hunger.  The hoarse cry ran deep into my soul and shook my whole being.  I was saddened that people are forced to live this way, and witnessing this really shook me up.

When we got back to VOH we had the privlege of making tortillas with Elsa, who is the cook and cleaner at VOH.  It was so much fun!  Then we ate dinner, played soccer, then had devos, just like the night before.  The devo that night was so convicting and the discussion was just awesome.  I treasure every minute we got to spend together talking.  I took a cold shower, then went to bed.

To be continued……

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